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Information on Minimum Wage
Coordination and Information Office
Minimum Wage Commission
c/o Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
Nöldnerstraße 40-42
10317 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 51548-4194
Dr Arne Baumann
Susanne Bühler
MATERNA Information & Communications SE
Robert-Schuman-Straße 20
44263 Dortmund, Germany
Realized with Tremonia DXP.
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Links are, however, always dynamic references. The contents of the linked pages can therefore be modified without our knowledge. A continuous examination of the contents is neither provided nor possible. We expressly dissociate ourselves from all content which may be relevant to criminal or liability law or which violates good morals. For damages resulting from the use or non-use of the websites of other providers, the provider of the page referred to is solely liable.
The information on these Internet pages has been carefully selected and compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, we can not assume any liability for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information on this website, nor for the provided legal provisions. Laws and regulations are only valid and apply according to their respective current official version, which is published in the relevant announcing bodies. Any legal advice, information or suggestions are not binding, and no legal advice is expressly made.
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